“News is something somebody doesn't want printed; all else is advertising.” --William Randolph Hearst


  • 2024/09/26: Our paper 'Revealing Fine-Grained Values and Opinions in Large Language Models' has been accepted at EMNLP 2024.
  • 2024/07/31: Wrapped up my ELLIS exchange with Dr. Ekaterina Shutova at the ILLC, University of Amsterdam.
  • 2024/05/16: Organized Fine Grained Visual Categorization Workshop at CVPR 2024 as Competitions Chair
  • 2023/05/14: Organized Fine Grained Visual Categorization Workshop at CVPR 2023 as Competitions Chair. Hosted the competition: NewsUnmasked 2023
  • 2022/07/29: I was a panelist at Langara Tech Thursday where we discussed machine learning career in industry.
  • 2022/07/26: Co-chaired the Vancouver DataFest, 2022
  • 2021/01/01: Our report on Women in Computer Vision workshop, WiCV@CVPR 2021 is now available on arxiv.
  • 2020/08/15: I was a speaker at PyBay 2020 on the topic ‘Scalable Hyper-parameter Optimization using RAPIDS and AWS’. The talk was given alongside my co-speaker Akshit Arora. The slides of the talk can be seen here. We have made codes used in our talk demo public and can be seen here.
  • 2020/06/22: I was one of the 7 people featured on Google Women Techmaker program interviews. You can watch my interview here.
  • 2020/06/14: I am one of the chairs of 2020 Women in Computer Vision Workshop @ CVPR.
  • 2020/02/03: I joined UrtheCast (now called EarthDaily Analytics) as a machine learning developer where I am responsible for developing computationally intensive image processing algorithms for large scale satellite data within a cloud-based infrastructure using deep learning.
  • 2020/01/20: I gave a talk on ‘A Field Guide to TensorFlow Contributions’ at Microsoft Open Source Software event.
  • 2020/01/20: I was a panelist at Women in Tech Regatta 2019 on the topic ‘Debaising AI in a Changing World’. The panel was moderated by Steve Eccles (Regional CEO and Dean, Northeastern University). I joined other great panelists which included Krista Richmond (Director, Digital Innovation & Partnerships, Technical Safety BC) and Piyali Dey (Program Manager, Cloud Developer Relations, Microsoft).
  • 2020/01/20: Organized Vancouver Datajam, 2020.
  • 2019/12/19: I am the organizer of NeurIPS Conference official meetup 2019 for Vancouver. As a part of this event we hosted talks from Ishadi Jayasingha (Researcher, University of Moratuwa), Fatemehsadat Mireshghallah (Ph.D. student at UC San Diego), Meghana Moorthy (Ph.D student at Ohio State University). I also moderated a panel discussion with Olga Vitek (Professor, Director - MS in Data Science Khoury College of Computer Sciences, Northeastern University), Ioana Baldini (Research Staff Member at IBM T.J. Watson) and Annie Ying (Manager of Cisco Data Science Lab in Vancouver), as panelists.
  • 2019/10/19: I gave a talk on ‘Exploring ML Model Interpretability using tf-explain’ at PyLadies Vancouver.
  • 2018/08/18: Founded the Vancouver chapter of Women in Machine Learning and Data Science.
  • 2018/05/18: I will be mentoring the robotics team in the AI4ALL program at Simon Fraser University.