I am an ELLIS PhD Fellow advised by Dr. Serge Belongie (University of Copenhagen) and Dr. Ekaterina Shutova (University of Amsterdam). I am broadly interested in AI and Society with current focus on applying ML to alignment and cross-cultural multimodal research problems. Some of my recent work and ongoing collaborations are on:

I spent couple of years in industry working on computer vision problems in agri-tech, aerial imagery and remote sensing. Some of my past work and collaborations include MILA (bio-diversity monitoring project), Helicopter and VTOL Laboratory - IIT Kanpur, Samsung IoT Innovation Lab and Applied Cognitive Science Lab, India.

Collaboration: Like everyone else, always happy to chat about it!

Community Service: I am currently on the board of Women in Computer Vision (WiCV). I was an advisor for WiCV@ICCV2023, WiCV@CVPR 2021, area chair for WiV@CVPR 2020 and on the committee of the WiML@NeuRIPS, 2019.

Note: I am a masters graduate (research-track) from Simon Fraser University, Canada. If you are someone who wants to chat about Masters (especially research-track) in Canada, DO-NOT hesitate to email me. It’s a funded program and I’ll be more than happy to tell you about it! I am also happy to answer questions on ELLIS PhD program.